About Us
Explore Italy began taking shape in the summer of 2022 with the steady mindset to uncover, discover, and explore the mainland of Italy and its surrounding islands, finding hidden gems, discovering quaint villages, identifying unexplored areas, reporting on history, art, and culture, as well as writing about many of the popular destinations. But that's not all you'll find in our articles. We also write about inspirations, upcoming events, Italian food and wines, and provide up-to-date travel tips and news on all things Italia. Our articles are written in both English and Italian, offering readers a bilingual experience when learning about Italy.
Our indie travel magazine was conceived, published, and creates content for our readers from the quaint, and beautiful Tuscan village of Marradi. Set within the Apennine Mountains and Upper Mugello Valley, we are surrounded by nature, woodlands, and amazing wildlife: Believing wholeheartedly in conservation, green initiatives, and respecting the splendid natural environment around us that inspires us as writers, artists, photographers, entrepreneurs, and the residents who live here.
With that in mind, the goal is to provide a beautiful, yet sustainable travel magazine that includes promoting sustainable tourism every step of the way. Both our digital version and printed version are geared towards protecting the environment, thereby keeping the future of our planet in mind at all times when publishing our issues.
Staying true to our environmentally friendly mission and goal to reduce our carbon footprint – while providing our readers with the choice of both a digital version and a visually appealing print magazine that is both informative and captivating – we are working closely with a sustainable printing company that is 100% carbon-neutral, and a distribution fulfillment center to reach our readers nationally and overseas. Our goal with our print magazine is to provide a stunning magazine printed on recycled paper, using bio-organic, sustainable ink that has little to no impact on the environment.
We also believe in unveiling and focusing on lesser-known areas: Hamlets, villages, towns, and historical sites that travelers should experience when visiting Italy, while also promoting small, local businesses within the country. We value and respect Italian traditions, and the people who shape this country and have made it what it is today, sharing their beliefs and fascinating stories through our articles.
Our enthusiastic writers in Marradi take our travel readers on a dynamic and creative journey through Italy unlike any other. We also have writers that are interested in contributing their work from varying regions in Italy and other countries who are just as passionate as we are about our country and want to share their discoveries and knowledge with the world. We come from all walks of life with varying experiences under our belts but our unified love for Italy, and what it has to offer, beyond the normal tourist destinations, brings us together to share our stories with everyone. After all, this is Italy we're talking about, and who wouldn't be passionate about this amazing country and all it has to offer?
Editorial Policies
Our goal is to reveal to our readers the authentic side of Italy beyond the popular tourist hotspots, approaching it both holistically and accurately.
We have an in-house editorial team that reviews every article written before they're published. Our writers are our fact-checkers, however, our editors are as well. We leave no stone uncovered, and our goal is to bring factual, inspiring, and accurate stories to our readers.
From our articles to images, videos, and illustrations, our pieces are original and authentic. Research into our stories may also contain sources to assist in backing our findings. We aim to avoid any conflicts of interest and encourage our writers, editors, and contributors to adhere to take responsibility for disclosing any conflicts of interest that may arise. Should errors be found within our articles, we immediately correct them and issue a new publication date under the author's name.
As we are currently a small travel magazine/indie publication, with big dreams to grow exponentially, we rely on varying ad platforms, paid advertising, and our monthly subscribers to fund our initiative. Our affiliates, advertisers and subscribers have no bearing on our editorial content, therefore our articles remain true to their writings without the influence of monetary gain.
Diversity and Equality
It’s important to us here at Explore Italy to not only offer a sustainable option for producing our travel magazine but to also create jobs in our community and the area by hiring and mentoring local graduates and creators from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities.
Right now, we are working tirelessly to design, develop, write, and publish our magazine issues to assist in promoting tourism to lesser-known communities in Italy. As we grow, our goal is to open additional employment and contributing opportunities in our small community and beyond, to those who share the same passion and beliefs we do.
Advertise With Us
Be a part of our monthly, sustainable, digital magazine issues by advertising with us.
We offer competitive pricing, varying layouts, as well as several perks, such as business-focused feature articles,
no hidden or additional fees for edits or changes to your business information, and much more.
In order to promote tourism to Italy and all it has to offer, our targeted audiences are concentrated on varying countries around the world that love Italy as much as we do, whether they are newcomers to our country,
or have had the pleasure of visiting Italy, and return over-and-over again.
For more information about our rates, and to discuss your advertising options and needs, please contact us.
Competitive Pricing
Feature Articles
Essential Targeted Audiences
Meet Our Editorial Team
Margherita Marullo
Founder, Senior Editor and
Travel Journalist
Margherita is a journalist, freelance writer, editor, landscape photographer, and self-published author in both the United States and Europe, with nearly 20 years of experience in each of these fields.
As a journalist and freelance writer, she has written for several online and print publications in the U.S., and recently her travel writing work has been published in Italy. Her passion for writing and travel led her to start her own travel business in 2014 - giving way to writing feature articles about varying countries and locations.
Margherita was also contracted as Book Editor for best-selling author, Freddy Silva, on his non-fiction, travel, and ancient architecture manuscript entitled, "Common Wealth – Our Legacy of Places of Power and the Transfiguration of the Human Soul," (copyright/published 2010); re-released in 2012 under the new title, "The Divine Blueprint: Temples, Power Places, and the Global Plan to Shape the Human Soul."
Her first travel book, "The Sacred Mysteries of Scotland," was published in 2015, and she currently writes professionally (and humorously) about her relocation and travels from the U.S. to Italy, Scotland, France, and back to Italy, where her Italian heritage and familial connections run through her blood.
Margherita è giornalista, scrittrice freelance, editor, fotografa di paesaggi e autrice autopubblicata sia negli Stati Uniti che in Europa, con quasi 20 anni di esperienza in ciascuno di questi campi.
Come giornalista e scrittrice freelance, ha scritto per diverse pubblicazioni online e cartacee negli Stati Uniti, e recentemente i suoi lavori di scrittura di viaggio sono stati pubblicati in Italia. La sua passione per la scrittura e i viaggi l'ha portata ad avviare una propria attività di viaggi nel 2014, dedicandosi alla stesura di articoli su vari Paesi e località.
Margherita è stata anche ingaggiata come Book Editor per l'autore di best-seller Freddy Silva, per il suo manoscritto di saggistica, viaggi e architettura antica intitolato "Common Wealth - Our Legacy of Places of Power and the Transfiguration of the Human Soul" (copyright/pubblicato nel 2010); ripubblicato nel 2012 con il nuovo titolo "The Divine Blueprint: Templi, luoghi di potere e il piano globale per plasmare l'anima umana".
Lei primo libro di viaggio, "The Sacred Mysteries of Scotland", è stato pubblicato nel 2015 e attualmente scrive in modo professionale (e umoristico) sul suo trasferimento e sui suoi viaggi dagli Stati Uniti all'Italia, alla Scozia, alla Francia e di nuovo all'Italia, dove il suo patrimonio italiano e i suoi legami familiari scorrono nel sangue.
Walter Scarpi
Art & Culture
Walter è uno scrittore amatoriale rappresentante della letteratura operaia, nato a Marradi nel 1970.
Impara il gusto del racconto dal nonno Gino Samorì (Gino dei Campacci), uno degli ultimi "narratori delle campagne", contadini che erano sempre i benvenuti nelle sere di veglia accanto al camino per la loro capacità di intrattenere, divertire, commuovere.
Dalla sua voce ascolta, bambino, le fiabe della tradizione che poi scoprirá raccolte da Italo Calvino nel suo "Fiabe Italiane". Si considera pertanto erede e continuatore in altre forme di quel ruolo di narratore orale popolare.
La prima pubblicazione, a 16 anni, è una selezione di liriche sulla rivista faentina "Tratti- fogli di letteratura e grafica da una provincia dell'Impero".
Ha scritto sulla rivista letteraria Prospektiva una riflessione su identità e funzioni dello scrittore nell'Italia contemporanea, ha diffuso il saggio teorico "Opera 222" sul blog Vibrisse dello scrittore Giulio Mozzi.
Ha prodotto articoli per varie testate giornalistiche, da "Il Piccolo" di Faenza all'inserto "Il Venerdì" di Repubblica. Si è occupato di birra artigianale per il mensile Gagarin. Dal 2017 al 2022 ha curato una rubrica enogastronomica sul magazine bimestrale "Fermento birra".
Nel 2002 ha inventato "Esalogo" sperimentando una modalità narrativa nuova, realizzando un ipertesto cubico tridimensionale.
Al 2002 risale anche il suo primo contributo a una pubblicazione in volume cartaceo, nella raccolta "È da tanto che volevo dirti" edita da Einaudi.
Ha pubblicato i romanzi "La danza delle dita" e "Schiaffeggiandomi rido" con la casa editrice Augh!
Attualmente è occupato in due nuovi progetti narrativi riguardanti la condizione di vita in carcere e il presidio di lotta operaia contro la delocalizzazione del lavoro.
Walter is an amateur writer representing working-class literature, born in Marradi in 1970.
He developed a taste for storytelling from his grandfather Gino Samorì (Gino dei Campacci), one of the last "storytellers of the countryside," peasants who were always welcome on waking evenings by the fireplace for their ability to entertain, amuse, and move.
From his voice he listened, as a child, to traditional fairy tales that he would later discover collected by Italo Calvino in his "Fiabe Italiane." He, therefore, considers himself heir and continuer in other forms of that role of a popular oral storyteller.
At age 16, his first publication was a selection of lyrics in the Faenza magazine "Tratti- sheets of literature and graphics from a province of the Empire."
In the literary magazine Prospektiva, he wrote a reflection on the identity and functions of the writer in contemporary Italy and disseminated the theoretical essay "Opera 222" on writer Giulio Mozzi's Vibrisse blog.
He has produced articles for various newspapers, from "Il Piccolo" in Faenza to "Il Venerdì" insert of Repubblica. He has covered craft beer for the monthly Gagarin. From 2017 to 2022, he edited a food and wine column in the bimonthly magazine "Fermento Birra."
In 2002, he invented "Esalogo" experimenting with a new narrative mode, creating a three-dimensional cubic hypertext.
In 2002 he also made his first contribution to a print volume publication, in the collection "È da tanto che volevo dirti" published by Einaudi.
He published the novels "The Dance of the Fingers" and "Slapping Me Laugh" with the publishing house Augh!
He is currently engaged in two new narrative projects concerning the conditions of life in prison and the garrison of workers' struggle against labor relocation.
Leonardo Chiari
Art & Culture
Leonardo Chiari è nato a Marradi nel 1989. Dopo il perfezionamento degli studi classici a Firenze, si è laureato in Filosofia a Bologna.
Scrittore, saggista, svolge attività di ricerca in diversi ambiti disciplinari, dalla filosofia alla critica letteraria. Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli in riviste scientifiche sull'opera di Dino Campana, poeta di Marradi.
È musicista (percussioni, pianoforte) e pittore amatoriale.
Leonardo Chiari was born in Marradi in 1989. After perfecting his classical studies in Florence, he graduated in Philosophy in Bologna.
A writer, and essayist, he conducts research in different disciplinary fields, from philosophy to literary criticism. He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals on the work of Dino Campana, poet from Marradi.
He is a musician (percussion, piano) and amateur painter.
Rebecca Servadei
Director of
Non lasciatevi ingannare dall'aspetto giovanile di Rebecca. Sebbene sia giovane, è saggia oltre i suoi anni e trasmette costantemente professionalità, coraggio e forza.
Laureata in economia del turismo e con una conoscenza fluente di diverse lingue, la sua vita quotidiana è piena di attività positive e appaganti in relazione al lavoro, alla comunità e alla sua vita personale. Va da sé che se c'è bisogno di fare qualcosa, lei è la prima a farsi avanti e a raccogliere la sfida. Il suo obiettivo, insieme agli altri giovani di Marradi, è dimostrare che le nuove generazioni non sono pigre e sono pronte a lavorare.
Il suo inestimabile bagaglio di competenze e talenti nel campo del turismo, così come la sua capacità di parlare, scrivere e leggere in più lingue, sono stati una scelta incoraggiante e inequivocabile per Explore Italy Travel Magazine che l'ha voluta come Direttore Marketing e Traduttore Ufficiale, e noi non potremmo essere più entusiasti di averla con noi.
Don't let Rebecca's youthful appearance fool you. While she may be young in age, she is wise beyond her years, consistently exuding professionalism, courage, and strength.
A graduate of tourism economics and fluent in several languages, her day-to-day life is filled with a multitude of positive and fulfilling activities in relation to work, community, and her personal life. It goes without saying, that if you need something done, she will be the first to step forward and take on the challenge. Her goal, along with the other youths of Marradi: to prove that the younger generation is not lazy, and is ready to get to work.
Her invaluable skillset and talents in tourism, as well as her ability to speak, write and read in multiple languages, was an encouraging and unmistakeable choice for Explore Italy Travel Magazine to bring her on as our Director of Marketing and Official Translator, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have her.